
Brief introduction of the Settings

In settings, user can customize applications behavior

View Settings

"View Settings" will display the current settings.

Update settings

Update settings will print the list of all the settings, choose on of them to update is value and change.

"Update Settings" will display a list of all settings. Select one to modify its value.


If set to "yes", additional logs will be displayed, which can be useful for debugging and understanding potential issues.

Log Trace

Log trace determines the depth level of logging. "INNER" represents the deepest level, while "ERROR" is the shallowest. Deep logging will produce extensive information, whereas "ERROR" will maintain minimal logs.

Clear Console

If set to "no", the entire console history will be visible. For an enhanced user experience, it is recommended to enable this feature.

Rpc Http Url

HTTP URL corresponds to the Solana RPC, facilitating the sending of requests to the Solana blockchain and enabling communication with it.

Rpc WS Url

WS URL refers to the Solana RPC and is utilized to establish WebSocket connections with the Solana blockchain. WebSockets facilitate the reception of real-time events from the blockchain.

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