Manage configs

Brief introduction of the Manage configs

"Manage Configs" permits the addition, editing, and deletion of sniping configurations.

Create config

When "Create Config" is selected, a prompt to create a new configuration appears. First thing first, input the configuration name.

Following that, a prompt to insert a collection will appear. The introduction is omitted as it is identical to Quick mode

After creating the first collection, a prompt appears asking if an additional collection should be added. Input 'y' to add another.

Config mode enables the configuration of multiple collections for sniping. The number of collections varies based on the key's allowance.

Finally, the configuration allows for the disabling of either MagicEden or Tensor. This enables sniping on just one of the two marketplaces. By default, both are enabled, so pressing enter will skip this steps.

The last prompt asks whether a new configuration should be added. Input 'y' to begin anew or press enter to skip it.

Delete Config

Upon accessing "Delete Config", a list of all saved configurations is displayed. To delete a specific configuration, simply select it.

Update config

"Update Config" enables the modification of existing configurations. Initially, select the configuration to be updated.

Following that, choose which aspect of the configuration to update.

Selecting one of the options presents prompts similar to those previously described, enabling the configuration to be updated.

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